The Charitable Stage Company presents ‘Moonlight’ – ARCHIVE ONLY

Atock photo of dancers in a theatre production

Theatrical dance production to support Vector Charitable Trust in Te Puke

Deserved of our support, ‘Moonlight’ is the outstanding new theatrical dance production performing at the Litt Park Theatre in Te Puke from Sunday 22 July, to Sunday 5 August 2018.

Local choreographer Sam Tomaszyk is performing ‘Moonlight’ in Te Puke with his theatre dance troupe, July 22 to August 5, 2018.

Produced by a local staging organisation The Charitable Stage Company, ‘Moonlight’ is a modern contemporary-style dance show choreographed by young BOP dance and theatre enthusiast Sam Tomaszyk. In this performance, Sam is joined on stage by Blake Ward, Caitlyn Hopping, Lydia Emson and Courtney Beehre.

Mastering Illusion

The show has a theme around light and reflection; featuring mirrors on stage, ultraviolet black lights and many more unexpected and exciting tricks have been created. The challenges with such a technical performance has required a dedicated 10-week rehearsal period leading up to opening night on 22 July in Te Puke.

The Charitable Stage Company

The Charitable Stage Company is a non-profit organisation performing around the Bay since 2016. in particular, they create theatre shows to benefit local organisations in the community by donating the Ticket sales each time to a specified local community group.

All proceeds from ‘Moonlight’ are being donated to “Vector Charitable Trust” in Te Puke; a youth and community-led non-profit organisation, providing a venue with a wide range of creative and support services for local youth.

Venue: Litt Park Theatre (Park Lane) in Te Puke

‘Moonlight’ comes to life on the stage at Litt Park Theatre (Park Lane) in Te Puke from Sunday 22 July, to Sunday 5 August 2018, with a spread of evening and matinee performances, for only $16.00 per adult and $12.00 per child under 16.

To find out more purchase tickets today online visit, or from Litt Park Theatre, Te Puke between 1 pm and 5 pm on Saturdays.

Find more information on the Charitable Stage website.