In Loving Memory: Malcom Kidd (c.1932 – 2019, aged 86)

Malcom Bruce Beresford

Malcolm knew I was going to write this column and he briefed me well. There is no space here to list his life achievements and especially to NZ Bowls, maybe just to say he was instrumental in helping merge Men’s and Woman’s Bowls in NZ.

When I came to Tauranga 4 ½ years ago, we didn’t know anyone at all and my wife suggested I join the Freemasons. I didn’t wait to be asked twice.

Malcom explained to me, when he was a young farmer, his dogs were his constant companions and he was delighted to join a local Lodge and meet men that he looked up to.

Over 50 years later, he remains a man of model character to younger Freemasons, even in his passing.

Malcolm Kidd was an honourable man, a humble man and a good man. Thank you for being our friend and brother, and for leading by example every step of the way. You will always be with us.

-By Antoon Moonen, The Gate Pa Lodge No 407