New name reflects sense of community in Katikati

A man in a white buisness shirt and white flat cap sits on a black bench in a park and reads a newspaper

The Centre – Pātuki Manawa will be the name of Council’s new multi-purpose building in Katikati.

Community feedback last year showed mixed supported for Pātuki Manawa (which means the beating heart in Māori) with others suggesting a more conventional name for the building in the centre of Katikati.

The Katikati Community Board supported a joint name, so The Centre – Pātuki Manawa was adopted by Western Bay of Plenty District Council last week on the Board’s recommendation.

Western Bay Mayor Garry Webber says the name and Māori reference embody the aim of creating a vibrant town centre of which the new facility will be an anchor point.

“Many years ago when Katikati councillors and the Katikati Community Board consulted on the Katikati Community Plan a major outcome was to create a vibrant town centre of which the wider Katikati Community would be proud.

“This project is just part of the process to build a vibrant town centre. Over time Katikati will become a destination New Zealand Town well known by all New Zealanders.”

The new facility began construction in September 2017 is to be officially opened in late August.

The facility comprises a two-storey library and service centre building with a mezzanine floor of 800 square metres and a 400 square metre community space. Its design provides a central link between Katikati’s main shopping centre and Talisman Drive.

The existing Katikati Library and Information Centre will become the home of the Katikati Arts Collective and it will remain the location of the Katikati Information Centre and Katch Katikati.