Jamie de la Haye Principal, Welcome Bay Primary

jamie de la haye

Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu

Adorn the bird with feathers so that it can fly!

I am extremely honoured and proud to have been appointed the new Principal of Welcome Bay School from the beginning of Term 1 2019.

I have been fortunate to have had a great transition with the outgoing Principal, Mr Nik House, and am very appreciative of his support throughout this process.

I am originally from Jersey in the UK but have been living in New Zealand now for a total of ten years.

My experience has enabled me to develop both an international and local perspective on education. My most recent experience at Tauranga Primary School over the last five years has provided me with many opportunities to learn and grow, which helped in enabling me to win this new position.

Principal, Mrs Fiona Hawes, and her team at TPS were a fantastic staff to work with and learn from.

As we move into 2019, I am very much looking forward to the next chapter in my career; leading Welcome Bay School and making a positive difference to the lives of the tamariki, staff, whānau and the wider community of Welcome Bay.

For me, leading a school is about the people and, building positive working relationships with these core stakeholders, will be a priority of mine so we can ensure Welcome Bay School continues to learn and grow.

I am fortunate that I will be working alongside a very collaborative and supportive teaching team and Board of Trustees. They are very proud of the progress the school has made but are also dedicated and passionate in taking the school forward to ensure we are providing the best learning opportunities and experiences for our children.

Over the coming years, I am very much looking forward to building on our school’s vision, ensuring we provide learning opportunities that enable our tamariki to develop the skills and attributes needed to ‘fly’ in their lives and learning.

Finally, on a personal note, I am happily married to Johnelle and we are very proud parents of Daisy (13 years), Charlie (10) and Freya (9). As a family we enjoy the beach and exploring the country in our retro 1969 caravan. As a Dad I enjoy nothing more than supporting my children with their sporting and extra-curricular activities.

Ngā mihi nui

Jamie De La Haye

Principal, Welcome Bay Primary School