From Mayor Greg…

Photograph of Greg Brownless

Among the many visitors I have received since becoming Mayor were a considerable number of cycling advocates, people who advocate the benefits of cycling for health, recreation and commuting. In the first few months of taking office it became clear there were at least five or six such groups, all with the good of the city at heart. So I suggested that instead of lobbying for just their particular area the groups united to present to Council at the same time with a reasonably unified voice so that their suggestions were more likely to be heard and acted on. It worked and at the Annual Plan deliberations councillors agreed to bring forward a trial at Mount Maunganui that will see a plan tested. The idea is for a one way system along The Mall for a start that will also trial angle parking and a cycleway. The benefit will be threefold – safer cycling (avoiding car dooring), more parking spaces and better traffic flow.

That aside, the number of cycle/walking trails around the city is increasing. I recently opened two bridges in the K Valley area crossing the stream. It’s a great area for cycling and walking.

Council is also developing a Cycle Action Plan. It would be great to see even more people riding bikes. We’ll be asking people for their ideas later this year. If you’d like to be involved in this please email

I write for this magazine because I enjoy the written word.