Public speaking will take you anywhere

A picture of a lectern covered in microphones on a blue background

If you are looking for an edge for your small business, have you ever thought about joining Toastmasters?

Huh? How would that help my business, you might wonder? I’ve been a member of Toastmasters for well over 20 years, and I can honestly say it’s had a huge payback for me – in just about every work role I’ve had.

By going to weekly meetings, where the emphasis is on practice and feedback, it’s helped me develop public speaking skills as well as the confidence to deal with pretty well any situation that I find myself in.

For instance, knowing how to run a workshop about my product or service, or training others to do a particular role or task. Or chairing a Board or staff meeting and keeping to the agenda and to time. Or going to networking events where I have the opportunity to meet new people and give an introduction to my business. Or making a pitch or a presentation to the bank or potential investors and customers. Sometimes it can just be an impromptu situation where it’s appropriate to say a few words – such as a staff leaving occasion or a birthday celebration.

All of these are situations where confidence and the ability to speak clearly, fluently and persuasively count.

Toastmasters is the perfect place to develop these skills. We are fortunate to have a number of Toastmasters clubs in Tauranga that meet at different times of the day and in different locations to cater for everyone’s convenience.

My suggestion is to get yourself invited to a club meeting to just observe and see how it works, before making any commitment to join. You’ll be made to feel very welcome. Take that step now, and you’ll be well on the way to learning a powerful business skill.

Kickstart Toastmasters. Meets Thursdays 7 am to 8.15 am at Alimento Café, First Avenue, Tauranga.

By Stan Gregec, CEO, Chamber of Commerce