Western Bay Council Notifies District Plan Changes

Western Bay Council District Plan

Western Bay of Plenty District Council has opened submissions for important District Plan changes to bring resource management rules up-to-date with industry and community demands.

Submissions are open for plan changes 82-91 and will close on Friday, 27 September 2019.

Catering for Growth

Council’s Manager of Resource Management, Phillip Martelli, says some of the changes aim to cater for growth across the horticultural sector, particularly the post-harvest kiwifruit industry.

Other changes provide a more efficient and effective rule framework, particularly for walkway and cycleway development in the Western Bay to make these projects easier and less costly.

Rules covering clean fill activities in rural areas have also been changed to better manage adverse effects on neighbours.

The plan changes include:

  • Post Harvest Zone – Review of Provisions
  • Accommodation Facility Permitted Limit
  • Public Trails (Walkways, Cycleways, Bridleways and Similar)
  • Cleanfill Activities in the Rural, Future Urban, Lifestyle and Rural-Residential Zones
  • Floodable and Coastal Inundation Areas – Maintenance of Stopbanks and Drains
  • Frost Protection Fans
  • Noise Standards Within Industrial Zones
  • Rural Contractors Depots – Separation Distances
  • Home Enterprises – Sale of Goods
  • Rangiuru Business Park – Water Supply Option

Full details of the Plan Changes can be viewed here.