Three Great Walks at Ōtanewainuku

Photo by Jamie Troughton/Dscribe Media Services

If you’re looking for some exercise with friends, family or on your own this weekend, try one of the great walks in the nearby forest at Ōtanewainuku.

The Rimu Loop walk with take you about 45 minutes going at a leisurely pace, is relatively flat and features some giant rimu trees.

The walk to the Summit Track to the Trig is more challenging but the view from the
platform at the top is totally worth the effort of the hour-long walk each way.

My favourite though is the Whataroa Waterfall walkabout 60 minutes each way. The pool and waterfall at the end are breathtakingly beautiful and well worth the effort to get there.

You can find out more about the tracks on the website  

If you take any photos while you’re on one of the walks we’d love to see them on our Instagram page @otanewainukukiwitrust.

No Dogs Allowed, Sorry!

But please leave your dog at home – this is a no-dogs zone as they can damage and kill kiwi easily by crushing their chests. So, enjoy the walks but without your canine companion, not even on a lead.

By Bruce Fraser