Have You Heard? Floorball is Coming to The Bay!

Floorball (aka Uni-hockey) is a version of indoor hockey that is growing in popularity across the world and now our community has the opportunity to get in on the action with this fun sport at the Trustpower Arena, Baypark.

Floorball (aka Uni-hockey) is a version of indoor hockey that is growing in popularity across
the world and now our community has the opportunity to get in on the action with this fun
sport at the Trustpower Arena, Baypark.

Shane Gillum, Programmes Manager at BayActive says, “this sport is easy to learn and is
fast-paced but safe. I’m really excited to get the leagues going here in the Bay at the same
level it is in Wellington and other centres across the country.”

Floorball is played indoors, within a 50cm-high boarded rink, and with a specific type of
hockey stick and ball. The game is quick with 2 x 10-minute halves for Juniors and 2 x 15-
minute halves for Adults. All equipment is provided including sticks, balls, goalie equipment, and bibs. Umpires are also provided as part of the game.

“We know as a new sport that many will want to experience it before signing up to a league, so we have two free ‘Have a Go’ days for the community to check it out. I’m sure once they give it a go, they’ll be hooked. It really is a fun game,” says Shane.

The Primary School Aged Floorball League (Year 2-6) runs on Thursdays from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. These teams only require four players in the rink at any one time, including the goalie but you can have up to four substitutes too.

The teams can be mixed gender, all girls or all boys. Shane notes that “this league will be Free for the first term, so give it a go and register now.”

The Adult/Family Floorball League will start on Sunday 16 June and will be an 8-game
league. There are five players in the rink including the goalie and the team can have up to five reserves.

To register for either league visit www.bayactive.co.nz or email Shane on shane.gillum@bayvenues.co.nz for more information.