Ancient and New Ways to Relieve Pain

a silhouette of a woman standing in front of the sun with her arm raised over her head

Just reaching for medication to relieve pain is not the best answer; rather discover the cause of pain then help healing.

Massage an ancient way to relieve pain

Exercise Physiologist Jazz Black says, “the power of massage is the oldest way to heal and comfort”. Relaxation Massage helps; although Deep Tissue Massage directly eases painful tension in muscles.

Bowen therapy

A gentle form of bodywork where subtle movement over the muscles and connective tissue sends messages deep into the body; retrieving cellular memory of a relaxed balanced way of wellbeing.

Bacteria and Pain

Damaging bacteria has long been known to cause pain in many areas. New research shows it may be the cause of back pain. However, different types of “Friendly bacteria” or probiotics can decrease inflammation and pain.

Pain, Food and Drink

Sugary foods destroy friendly bacteria and cause inflammation throughout the body. Sugar depletes the relaxing mineral Magnesium. Conversely, minerally rich vegetables help probiotics thrive. Cold Pressed oils help decrease pain in joints, bowel disease and painful periods.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs can heal, restore all area of the body and give lasting pain relief. Contact us today; build great health naturally.

By Jaine Kirtley Bay Naturopath – Bay Health Clinic Ph 07 571 3226

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