Tikka Chicken Curry


Hello and welcome to our first recipe in The Bay Waka from Lemongrass Catering.

My name is Belinda a true local from Tauranga and your local catering business right here in Welcome Bay.

We have a fantastic team that work in the kitchen and like anyone else if we haven’t got our acts together when it comes to dinner in the morning, 4pm rolls on and the dreaded realization that everything is frozen!

Being a chef doesn’t exempt us from the ………….”What are we having from dinner tonight” especially when we are busy but we are probably just a little faster on the creativity at this point.“

This recipe is great standby and time saver as you can make extra. Thread the chicken on the skewer, place in a single layer in zip lock bags and freeze. In an emergency these defrost quickly for those days when you think “What ARE we having for dinner tonight?”

Curry is fast becoming a nation favourite and this recipe is not only flavoursome but quick to cook. Simple ingredients marinated together. I like to use thighs as they are much more forgiving and don’t dry out as much chicken breast. We always seem to end up with boxes of herbs and spices in the cupboard, and this is a great way to experiment. If you don’t have the exact spices as the recipe states, once again improvise just remember write down what you did because if it becomes a family favourite you want to know what you did! Just do go easy on that chilli powder………..not everyone loves it hot, hot, hot!.

Serve with flurry basmati rice, dollops of Greek yoghurt mixed with fresh mint and toasted cumin and some nan bread for a great Saturday night takeaway or fast weekday meal.

Have a fabulous week and enjoy some new recipes for your cooking repertoire.
If however cooking is not your thing but you love food, check out www.lemongrasscatering.nz and order catering!

Spiced Chicken Skewers

1 kg chicken thighs – Diced into large chunks
1 c natural yoghurt
2 tbsp. ground almonds
1 tbsp. ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp garam masala
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp smoked paprika
¼ tsp ground chilli powder – optional
½ tsp salt

Fresh coriander for garnish
Fried onions, yoghurt with cumin seed


Take all ingredients except fresh coriander and fried onion and place in glass bowl or plastic container and mix together; making sure all the chicken is coated. Leave covered in fridge for at least three hours or overnight. Thread on to bamboo skewers that have been soaked in water for thirty minutes.  Heat frying pan with a little oil, sprinkle chicken with salt, seal chicken on all sides, place on baking tray and cook for 10 minutes or until juices run clear. Serve with the fried onion and cumin rice, and garnish with more fried onions and fresh coriander, dolloped yoghurt…

Written by

Belinda Lombard, owner Lemongrass Catering. 

‘LIKE’ us on Facebook/lemongrass catering, to follow what we do during the week

I like to write for this community magazine to promote cooking at home.