Village Radio Museum – 1368 AM

picture of a female DJ and a child in the broadcasting booth of the Historic Village Radio station

Historic Village Radio Museum, call sign 1XT on 1368 AM, has been broadcasting from the Old Town Board Room and Library for 34 years.

There’s a team of 27 staff, including announcers, technicians, technical operators, record library, computer and web support, as well as an 8-person administration committee. You can hear songs from the 1940’s era, right up to the 1980’s and listeners can ring-in for requests on Tauranga, (07) 571 3710.

There’s one room, named the “Museum” crammed full of old valve radios, record players and mementos of days gone by, all connected with broadcasting if you want to check it out, come and see! Without COGS, (the Community Grants Scheme), the Lotteries Commission, local Lions and Rotary Clubs and regular sausage sizzles there’d be no Village Radio.

We also have to thank our very loyal band of listeners, “Friends of Village Radio”, many of whom have given generous donations. Apopular  feature is our “Community Notices” broadcast each weekday at 11 am; free of charge for charitable organisations.

Pop in (upstairs) and say hello the next time you have visitors or relations from out of town. Or just tune in on 1368 AM. You will hear music that’s not played by any other radio station in Tauranga!

By George Stewart

“I write for Bay Waka to reveal the hidden secrets of Tauranga Village Radio Museum.”