Time to Update Western Bay Property Values

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

If you own property in the Western Bay you may be visited by a professional valuer who will be assessing the current land and capital value of your place for rating purposes.

Revaluations are done every two to three years by Western Bay of Plenty District Council to gain a district-wide appraisal of property values to accurately assess the value of a property at a given time.

Valuers will be travelling around the District until the end of October 2019 – visiting addresses and driving the streets looking at properties across all rural and urban categories.

If no one is home when the valuer calls, a calling card will be left explaining the process to the property owner. Valuers will carry identification and their vehicles will be sign-written.

The valuers are not employees of Council, they work for the independent valuation firm Opteon. Opteon is contracted by Council to carry out this service and is an approved valuation service provider by the Office of the Valuer-General.

Opteon’s rating valuers have the legal right to enter properties and owners are required to answer any questions to enable a correct valuation to be made. Please help the valuers do their job.

These valuations will provide a snapshot of our District as at 21 July 2019 and are used for the sole purpose of rating. They do not reflect the value of your property on the open market, nor do they reflect the sale price of any property.

A change in valuation does not necessarily relate to a change in rates for a property. This will only happen if the new value has increased or decreased more than the average for the District. Some valuations will go up, others will go down – some won’t change. The new valuations will be used for rating purposes from 1 July 2020.

The valuation results will be advised by mail from 9 December 2019. All property owners will receive notice of their new valuation plus a brochure with all the necessary information about the revaluation process and how to make an objection.

Anyone who does not agree with their valuation is welcome to lodge an objection up until 31 January 2020.