Kinsa and Jenny: Seeking safe, suitable housing
Kinsa’s story
I’ve always owned my own home until a couple of years ago. Ten years ago, in the spirit of adventure I left Opotiki...
Older people and renting
A trend of which all social support services are becoming much more aware, is the increasing number of older people, generally single, who cannot...
Different Market – Different Thinking Required
Recently we have come off the back of an incredible market. If you were selling then, you didn’t need to do much in order...
Wake Up In A Happier, More Vibrant Neighbourhood
OPINION: We spoke about Tauranga’s need for an Urban Strategy in Bay Waka Issue 11 titled ‘Density done well’. Cities around the world are...
Is it high time to protect your digital assets?
Last week we were called to look at a 10-year old laptop using Windows Live Mail for email on a Vista operating system. The...
Ideal Garages Tauranga
Our local business owner David Little was 10-years old, 44 years ago when he arrived in Tauranga from Dunedin. He has ensconced himself in...
Your Kitchen is built to serve!
Classic? Modern? Retro? Industrial? Whatever you want, whatever your dream, whatever your need, or unique idea, at Prestige Kitchens and Joinery, we make it...
Fallen out of love with your older home?
Like you, many Kiwi families are living in older homes with no wall insulation. With up to 28% of your heat lost through the...
A growing market for older tenants
Older-old people now experience difficulty renting a home in Tauranga City and the Western Bay of Plenty District. The problem is that rental properties...
Please don’t call me dear
Oh dear, we all know, however subconsciously, that older women are invisible. Ask any older woman walking down the street, or walking on the...