BOP tops quit smoking rate in NZ

(from left): Stevie-Lee Hiroki, Lizzie Spence, Monique Rio and Walter Harawira from Hāpainga quit smoking service
(from left): Stevie-Lee Hiroki, Lizzie Spence, Monique Rio and Walter Harawira from Hāpainga.

The Bay of Plenty’s free Stop Smoking Support service, Hāpainga remains top of the country for its successful quit smoking rate.

New Zealand has 16 Stop Smoking Support services. As part of the Government’s goal of Smokefree Aotearoa 2025, each service is required to record the number of clients who are deemed to have successfully quit smoking meaning they are ‘smokefree’ four weeks after their set quit date.

Hāpainga Team Leader Lizzie Spence says “Our smoking cessation practitioners use a carbon monoxide detector, a bit like a breathalyser at four weeks. Low to nil levels of carbon monoxide shows the person is smokefree.”

Latest Ministry of Health results shows Bay of Plenty is the top performer across the country with a 75% successful quit smoking rate at 4 weeks.

Lizzie Spence says the service has been in the top spot for the last nine months.

She says it is great news for the team of five practitioners who support people to quit smoking across the Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Lizzie says, “The small team really focuses on treating each client as an individual. Quitting smoking is a real journey. Our team might meet with a client several times before they set a quit date. Building a rapport and trust with them is quite crucial to the successful outcome.”

Join the trend – quit smoking for World Smokefree Day

 It’s World Smokefree Day on Thursday 31 May. To celebrate, Hāpainga, the Bay of Plenty’s free stop smoking support service is providing those who sign up to quit in May and June the chance to win a $250 voucher.

“World Smokefree Day is the perfect time to choose the smokefree lifestyle. We know it’s not easy to stop smoking, but with the right support it can be done,” says Hāpainga Stop Smoking Practitioner, Stevie-Lee Hiroki.

New Zealand is moving closer to Smokefree Aotearoa 2025. The most recent tobacco-use figures show 84% of New Zealanders do not smoke, which is 4% more than in 2008. And fewer young people are starting to smoke with 96% of 15 to 17 year olds staying smokefree, which is a marked increase from 84% a decade ago.

Hāpainga staff will be outside in the Esplanade Mall in Whakatāne and the Papamoa Plaza ready to sign up those who are ready to quit on World Smokefree Day, 31 May.

Throughout the year, Hāpainga provides $50 vouchers for all clients who successfully quit smoking. Women who successfully quit smoking during pregnancy to six weeks after their baby is born also have the opportunity to receive a $250 voucher through the Hāpainga Hapū Māmā incentive programme.