Friendly Bacteria for Health – it works!

A blue packet of probiotics

What have the Bay Waka and friendly bacteria (also called Probiotics) got in common? They both are both great communicators! The Bay Waka communicates through words and pictures to the wider community. Probiotics in the gut communicate with all organs and systems in the body.

Friendly bacteria were originally considered important for digestive health, then research showed they also help immunity too.

Happy gut, happy body, happy mind

Today, research is discovering which types of probiotics help different health problems and the ways probiotics communicate with different areas of the body. The gut can even communicate with the brain. If you lack certain types of friendly bacteria you are more likely to feel anxious, depressed or have a low mood.

Probiotics are natures antibiotics

Antibiotics and much of the modern-day diet destroys friendly bacteria. So as Naturopaths we have always recommended increasing friendly bacteria, through foods such as live yoghurt, naturally fermented foods, and supplementing with broad based Probiotics.

Our recommendations are now more specific. Thanks to current research we can now match up certain strains of probiotic with your particular health concern, as well as guide you to eat and drink to support a health-friendly gut.

Let a professional help you build better health naturally. See our advert (right) for more details.

By Jaine Kirtley
Bay Naturopath – Bay Health Clinic

I write for this magazine because it’s a great way to help a whole community communicate to become happier and healthier.