Council Puts Speed Review on Hold

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Western Bay of Plenty District Council has put on hold a review of speed limits on local roads, pending direction from the New Zealand Transport Agency on its SH2 speed limit review.

Western Bay Mayor Garry Webber says it is frustrating to delay Council’s review – but there is no point in going ahead until NZTA makes decisions on SH2.

“We have been waiting on the Agency to make a decision. Originally the SH2 speed review was to have been done last year – and it would have timed in well with our review of local roads.

“But there is so much uncertainty around the Agency’s timing that Council has postponed our review.”

Council had planned to review speed limits on all local roads in the District to bring them in line with the speed limits determined by NZTA on state highways – including the planned review for SH2 speed limits.

Meanwhile Council is continuing with its other bylaw reviews on traffic and parking, animals (excluding dogs), public places, nuisances, cemeteries, trading in public places and its policies on gambling venues.

Proposals for Public Consultation

Proposals will be out for public consultation from 18 March until 18 April 2019, based on feedback gained from the public during November-December 2018 on some of these topics.

Council has powers to make a range of bylaws to manage nuisances, offensive behaviour and public safety in the community.

There is a range of bylaws to regulate activities including dog control, freedom camping, alcohol bans, speed limits, parking, discharges to Council’s wastewater system and protection of the community’s water supply sources.

Compliance with bylaws is monitored by Council staff and/or the police (depending on the bylaw) and there are different penalties that apply for breaches – ranging from fines to court prosecution for serious breaches.