Western Bay Council Reviews District Plan

Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Western Bay of Plenty District Council is considering making changes to its District Plan and is seeking early feedback before notifying formal proposals.

Council’s Manager of Resource Management, Phillip Martelli, says a number of changes aim to cater for growth across the horticultural sector, particularly the kiwifruit industry.

“Burgeoning production volumes in horticulture has prompted much of the review,” says Phillip. “The Plan’s existing rules are 10 years old and we need to ensure they support the industry and communities in which they operate.”

Key proposals up for public feedback include enabling a greater variety of purpose built accommodation to cater for seasonal workers and expanding areas for some post-harvest zones to meet the demands of growth and provide for more seasonal worker accommodation on-site.

Phillip says changes are also proposed to make it easier and less costly to develop walkway and cycleway projects in the Western Bay. 

“Under current arrangements there’s a requirement to work through a complex resource consenting process to develop walkways, cycleways and trails.

“While we need to ensure the best outcome for the environment when developing these amenities, we can provide a more efficient and effective rule framework, particularly when it comes to provisions for earthworks and hazard areas for each project,” says Phillip.

In addition to these proposals, Council is seeking feedback on changes to rules relating to:

·         Cleanfill activities within the Rural Zone

·         Sale of goods by home enterprises

·         Maintenance of stop banks and drains in floodable areas

·         Frost protection fans

·         Rural contractor depots

·         Noise standards within industrial zones

Phillip is encouraging people to have their say by visiting the Council website.

“It’s important we get feedback early on in the process so we can further develop the proposals before going into a formal public notification process that we anticipate getting underway in August or September.”

Full details on the proposed changes can be found at haveyoursay.westernbay.govt.nz

Feedback closes 5pm Monday, 24 June 2019.