“Valuable” Art Exhibition by Lynne Sinclair Taylor

Lynne Sinclair Taylor

Lynne Sinclair Taylor will be holding an exhibition entitled “Valuable” in the conference room at The Raft Espresso and Eatery, Chapel St, Tauranga over Labour Weekend.

Lynne has been a professional artist for 25 years, well known in Hamilton, and has been living in Tauranga for four years.

She is known for her versatility of style, subject and medium and for her vibrant use of colour.

Having won several awards in fashion design and art she has exhibited and sold in many different settings over the years and has also spent hundreds of hours tutoring adults and children over her career.

“I believe every person is unique, every person is valuable. This exhibition portrays different people in different ways, and sometimes with elaborate gowns, but each painting is enhanced with gold, glitter, or bronze to represent the value inherent in an individual.”

Opening 5:30pm Friday, 25 October, Lynne’s recent works will be displayed in the Raft conference room, finishing 6pm Monday, 28 October (Labour Day).

Come with your friends, grab a coffee and enjoy the artwork.

Lynne is confident that the exhibition will be a visual treat. The conference room will open
to all visitors to the cafe over the duration of this exhibition. 

Find out more: www.lynnesinclairtaylor.com