Transpower in Maungatapu – latest update

Aerial photograph of a road bridge over an estuary

In our last edition, one of our stories (pg. 12-13 of the Bay Waka magazine) was about Transpower’s application to both Tauranga City Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council for consent required to erect a new 110,000 Volt line through Maungatapu and Matapihi.

This new line would replace a line originally built in 1958 which passes over land belonging to Maungatapu Marae which includes Te Ariki Park and the Rangataua Rugby Club rooms. This original line now requires significant repair and Transpower consider it would be cheaper and easier to replace it. The new line will follow another existing line beside SH29A through Maungatapu by extending replacing those poles with new poles 50% taller.

Transpower then have a number of options to take this line across the estuary leading to Rangataua Bay.

Seeking consent

Transpower has sought consent for the cheapest option which involves suspended the three conductors between what has been referred to as super poles on either side of the estuary alongside the Maungatapu Bridge.

Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi on behalf of the Maungatapu Marae Trust and Ngāti Hē have supported the removal of the original line, but together with some 30 other parties have strenuously objected to the proposal to erect these super poles and sling aerial lines across the harbour. Doing so contravenes a number of Council policy statements designed to protect the natural, historic, and cultural features on both sides of the harbour.

These parties also claim that Transpower’s proposal will detract significantly from the views both to and from the Maungatapu marae and many adversely affected residential properties.

We will keep you updated on the outcome of the hearing for Transpower’s application which was heard in Tauranga on 18-19 July 2018.