Teddies on Call at Tauranga Hospital Emergency Department

Picture of hospital teddy bear in yellow shirt with a drip on its arm sitting on a hospital bed
Local Freemason Bro Teddy Bear undertakes his hospital responsibilities with love and tenderness.

Emergency Departments are frightening places when you are small, unwell or hurt.

The people you meet seem bigger and if you are in pain it is overwhelming. Having a Love and Care Teddy Bear to hold can make all of the difference particularly when you can choose the colour.

Our team in ED are delighted with the gift of the Teddies It’s a brilliant idea that we can use so that children can show and point on Teddy what is hurting. Using the Teddy bears as a model can also help parents to see what a therapy may look like particularly if a child needs oxygen or intravenous medications.

Feedback from the ED team members is that, “The Teddies make the children’s eyes light up”; and “It is a delight to see the change in the children’s faces when they see the Teddy and know that it’s theirs to keep”.

TLC Appeal New Zealand chairman and Freemason Tony Mansfield, with Stephanie Watson, Charge Nurse Manager Tauranga Emergency Department, Dr. Derek Sage, Paul Henricksen, BOP District Grand Master, Ray Wilson of The Opotiki Lodge 1930 EC, receive the first Care Bears at the Tauranga Hospital Emergency Department – 20 December 2017.

The first box of 100 bears is almost empty with another box waiting to be opened. In ED we are all enjoying giving a bear to help reduce our children’s fears. We are very grateful to be chosen by the Freemasons as the site for the Love and Care Bears.

By Stephanie Watson, Charge Nurse Manager Tauranga Emergency Department, Bay of Plenty District Health Board

I am writing for this magazine to thank the Freemasons for their lovely gift of the Love and Care Bears.