TCC Infrastructure Department Update Highlights

Tauranga City Council TCC

The Infrastructure Department at TCC looks after Asset Planning, Management and Information, City Water, the delivery of infrastructure projects, Sustainability and Waste and Transportation.

Here are some highlights from a recent report submitted to the Projects, Services and Operations Committee.

Sustainability & Waste

The Sustainability and Waste (S&W) team are working with SLR Consultants on a report to be presented to Council in May, outlining options to provide rates funded kerbside waste collection (rubbish, recyclables and compostables) to residential properties to start in July 2021. The glass kerbside collection service continues to collect and recycle on average 80 tonnes of glass a week (over the Christmas and New Year period this weekly average was 100 tonnes). Between October and February, 1,625 tonnes of glass was collected.

Sustainable Backyards month

During March, and coinciding with the Sustainable Backyards month of activities, staff ran a Waste Free Parenting workshop, Food Lovers Masterclass and Worm Farming workshops and also facilitated the question panel on the Food Talks presentation.



Council staff regularly monitor the NZ Police crash analysis database, which contains reported crash data. Staff do this to identify overall crash trends so that they can determine sites for minor improvement projects or larger transportation safety schemes.

Overall crash numbers by year shows a decreasing trend since 2016, however fatal and serious crashes have increased. The peak months for crashes are May/June, August and October. Friday is the day of the week that sees the most crashes and the most common type of crashes are rear end/obstruction and intersection crashes. Those in the 20 to 24 age bracket are most likely to be involved in a crash.

Parking numbers for CBD

Free City Centre Saturday parking came into effect on 15 December 2018 and seems to have had little impact on the number of vehicles through the two car parking buildings (Spring Street and Elizabeth Street). Additional monitoring will be put in place to be able to provide reports for on-street and off-street parking places.

Matapihi Road Parking

There was a large turnout at Waikari marae on 14 March for a hui to discuss the level of commuter parking occurring at the city end of Matapihi Road. Concerned residents had contacted Council about parking, which is causing damage to grass berms. In response to community concerns, a hui was arranged for the Matapihi community. Along with members of Council’s, Transportation, Strategy, and Takawaenga teams, over 80 members of the community attended on the night.

The Matapihi community raised a number of opinions to address the parking issues and gave clear feedback on some ideas that had been proposed by staff to address the issue. The Transportation team now have some suggestions to investigate.

The Matapihi community also agreed to meet in the future to discuss the Matapihi land use plan, which was developed in partnership with Council over nine years ago. They are looking to develop a Matapihi community plan.

Welcome Bay / Hairini traffic safety improvements

TCC staff are working with NZTA on a number of matters to improve the safety and efficiency of the road network in the Welcome Bay/Hairini area.

These are:

  • A ‘free left turn’ at the Welcome Bay Road/Hammond Street traffic lights: The purpose of the free left turn is to improve traffic flow at the traffic lights, particularly for those vehicles turning left at the lights when approaching from the Welcome Bay direction.
  • Welcome Bay Lane/Welcome Bay Road (near Greenwood Park) intersection improvement: The proposal is to ‘square-up’ the intersection and control it with a standard ‘Give Way’ or ‘STOP”. These changes will improve safety for residents of Greenwood Park, who have previously been put in a perilous situation when attempting to turn left into the Park entrance.
  • Welcome Bay Lane/Welcome Bay Road (Welcome Bay end): A design to re-open this intersection is being developed. Cycle safety is a key component of the design.
  • Cycle facilities: Various improvements will be made to cycle lanes and off-road cycleways throughout the area.
  • Ohauiti Road/Welcome Bay Road: Proposed changes seek to improve pedestrian and cycling links through this intersection. An option to reinstate the right turn out of Ohauiti Road and a free left turn into Ohauiti Road from Welcome Bay Road is also being explored.
  • Hairini Bus Lane: Safety auditors are considering the option of opening up the bus lane to general traffic outside peak hours.
  • Hairini Street Link: Serious safety concerns remain with regard to constructing a new link from Hairini Street onto the on-ramp from Maungatapu Roundabout.
  • Hairini/SH29A roundabout: NZTA are working on a redesign of the SH29A/Hairini Roundabout to improve safe access into the Hairini suburb.
  • Kaitemako Stream Bridge (access to whitebait area): Staff are working with the Regional Council on planning and consenting matters for a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Kaitemako Stream, near Hammond Street. All going well, it is anticipated construction of the bridge will commence after 1 July.

Staff (Council & NZTA) are in the process of setting up an information session with the wider community to provide people with an update on the above-mentioned matters to take place in May.

Greerton Village traffic safety improvements

Staff were requested to investigate options for improving the traffic flows through Greerton, without compromising safety.

The options being explored are:

  • Improving general traffic flow through the Greerton area
  • Prioritisation of emergency services and buses into and out of the Greerton area
  • A pedestrian overpass or underpass
  • Relocating the Cameron Road pedestrian crossing further to the north
  • Review the timing of the waiting period for pedestrians at the Cameron Road crossing, particularly during peak times.

Bike Month

The Travel Safe team completed a comprehensive cycling programme in February in partnership with Sport Bay of Plenty, including the ever-popular ‘design a helmet’ competition. Over 1,400 entries were received from students of all ages, and even some teachers.

Staff did Council proud in the 2019 ‘Love to Ride Aotearoa Bike Challenge’. In the category for organisations comprised 500 – 1999 staff, Council came 1st in the Bay of Plenty and 5th place overall across New Zealand.

Travel Safe workshops

The Travel Safe team recently hosted two school workshops. One was a primary/intermediate teacher workshop.

NZTA and ‘Bike Ready’ senior education advisors were in attendance as well as Pam Hook, of Hook Educational Consultancy Ltd. Pam is an industry expert in learning and teaching. She is a curriculum writer for Government departments, a published author and conference speaker. Pam presented to teachers on ‘best practice’ road safety/active transport for young people. The other workshop was with secondary school students, around road safety and active travel outcomes.