Diary 17th, or 18th August 2018
SHOT BRO – Confessions of a depressed bullet – Live performances from 7:00 pm To 8:30 pm – 17th August – Te Whetū Marae, 612 Welcome Bay Road. 18th August – Tauranga Intermediate Hall.
It took a dramatic incident to get award winning actor Rob Mokaraka back on track. He acted out his own death – but the reality almost succeeded when he was shot in the stomach by police in 2009. Now Rob is using his experience and battle with depression to support those out there with his one-man show ‘Shot Bro’.
Marae TVNZ Interview
It’s the first time Rob has talked on TV about his battle and that incident. Reporter Hikurangi Jackson with this story:
#DEPRESSION It took a dramatic incident to get award winning actor Rob Mokaraka back on track. He acted out his own death – but the reality almost succeeded when he was shot in the stomach by police in 2009. Now Rob is using his experience and battle with depression to support those out there with his one-man show 'Shot Bro'. It's the first time Rob has talked on TV about his battle and that incident. Reporter Hikurangi Jackson with this story.
Posted by Marae on Sunday, 29 May 2016
Don’t miss out on Rob’s show in Tauranga 17 & 18 Aug!
His show is open to all ages and is a light hearted look at some very real issues relating to suicide, depression and mental health.
The show is free to the public and has been sponsored by the Tauranga City Council and Ngāti Pūkenga, Tauranga Intermediate and Moana FM.
This is a very exciting opportunity for Tauranga and is an awesome way to support our community and whānau while keeping the conversation around these kaupapa in motion.