Taonga Tauranga – For our kids! – ARCHIVE ONLY

Photograph of Ken Gorbey, Director of Waikato Museum 1971-1985
Ken Gorbey, Director of Waikato Museum 1971-1985, will be discussing new ideas about the role of museums in communities and nations around the world.

Promoting  discussion – The Tauranga museum as an economic and social game changer.

The second in a series of public breakfast sessions where experts in their field will be addressing the proposition ‘The Tauranga museum as an economic and social game changer’, is to be held on:

Wednesday 7th March 2018

from 7:15 am – 8:45 am

Guest speaker: Ken Gorbey

Ken will share his vision for the role of museum in the modern world.

Ken is recognised for his creative leadership as an international museum professional.

Breakfast, $20-
Tauranga Club, Level 5, Devonport Towers,
72 Devonport Rd, Tauranga

Taonga Tauranga – Breakfast Speaker series #2

Ken Gorbey, our next presenter, is a New Zealander who is internationally recognised for his leadership and creativity as a museum professional. He played a pivotal role in the development of Te Papa, has advised museums in Russia, Europe, Australia and the United States, and as the  Deputy President and Project Director of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, pulled together and made a success of a project in danger of failure because of internal and external dissension.

Ken will share his vision of the ever-broadening role of the museum in the modern world.

“We have had the data since at least the 1990s – many museums around the world, and especially those that fail to adapt and continue to pursue essentially 19th century models, are closing. But there are new museums based on partnership and commercial practise that are booming.”

Ken will address benchmark museological developments integrated within city and region social/economic and cultural/heritage strategies.  These are museums as magical theatres, visitor attractions and sources of pride for citizens.  Finally, he will outline a Call to Arms, a process that has put many new museum (and broad cultural) initiatives on the path to success.

Breakfast meeting organisers

The breakfast meeting series is being organised by Taonga Tauranga, a group of Tauranga professionals with an interest in the museum development who want to encourage wide public discussion about the proposed museum and its role as an economic and social game changer.

Convener Peter McKinlay

Peter McKinlay, report that the group is delighted with the public response to its work in contributing to public debate on how the establishment of the museum can contribute to the broader social, cultural and economic development of Tauranga Moana.

“We think Ken’s insights will play an important part in helping all of us realise the vision of Tauranga residents, families, whanau and schools for a 21st century museum.”

See more at our newly established Taonga Tauranga Facebook page Taonga Tauranga.


There is a $20 koha per person, to cover costs. To attend the March 7 museum breakfast session, please email your RSVP to: taonga-tauranga@bayonline.co.nz.

Please pay your koha directly to Taonga Tauranga 38-9019-0379963-00. This is a Kiwibank account set up to allow internet banking. Donations will also be gratefully received.