Taonga Tauranga – 3rd Speaker Event – ARCHIVE ONLY

Clayton McGregor from Design + Space and Celeste Skachill from Studio C Design will be speaking at the Tauranga Club during breakfast (7am - 9am) on Thursday 12 April 2018.
Clayton McGregor from Design + Space and Celeste Skachill from Studio C Design will be speaking at the Tauranga Club during breakfast (7am - 9am) on Thursday 12 April 2018.

Promoting  discussion – The Tauranga museum as an economic and social game changer.

In this the third of our breakfast presentations we bring to Tauranga two of the most exciting and talented members of the Bay of Plenty diaspora – Clayton McGregor from Design + Space and Celeste Skachill from Studio C Design:

Thursday 12th April 2018

from 7:00 am – 9:00 am

Guest speakers:

Clayton McGregor and Celeste Skachill

Young, talented, inspirational and both originally from Tauranga

They will share their journey and experience working on exhibitions such as Gallipoli, Bug Lab and the new Te Papa gallery, Toi Art

Breakfast, $20-
Tauranga Club, Level 5, Devonport Towers,
72 Devonport Rd, Tauranga

Taonga Tauranga – Breakfast Speaker series #3

Both Clayton and Celeste were heavily involved in the development of the Gallipoli exhibition at Te Papa. Clayton has had more than 20 years of museum, gallery, exhibit and visitor design experience in New Zealand and internationally. Celeste is a rising young star now operating her own highly successful design business.

Their presentation will share their journey as designers working on events and exhibitions like Gallipoli, Bug Lab and more recently the opening of Te Papa’s new art gallery, Toi Art. They will show how they used co-creation to actively involve the people they were designing for, in order to create some of Te Papa’s most loved museum experiences. This story is a great example of the way in which the Tauranga museum could evolve.

Limited places

This event will include 50 free places for senior students from local secondary schools. It will be a chance for them to hear from Clayton and Celeste how from a beginning in the Bay you can build an international career in creative design, and the role which the new Tauranga museum could play in support.

Convener Peter McKinlay

“We’re delighted to have Clayton and Celeste here. It’s going to be a really exciting presentation showcasing both what can be achieved in a museum environment, and the skills of two highly successful young people from the Bay of Plenty.”

Breakfast meeting organisers

The breakfast meeting series is being organised by Taonga Tauranga, a group of Tauranga professionals with an interest in the museum development who want to encourage wide public discussion about the proposed museum and its role as an economic and social game changer.


See more at our newly established Taonga Tauranga Facebook page Taonga Tauranga.


There is a $20 koha per person, to cover costs. To attend the April 12 museum breakfast session, please email your RSVP to: taonga-tauranga@bayonline.co.nz.

Please pay your koha directly to Taonga Tauranga 38-9019-0379963-00. This is a Kiwibank account set up to allow internet banking. Donations will also be gratefully received.