Press Release: They’re Just Paintings at The Incubator Creative Hub Gallery

Paul McDonald painting that was entered into the They’re just Paintings exhibition

Shortly after retiring early, Paul McDonald a lifelong artist, suffered a brain aneurysm.

To say that the first year after the aneurysm was truly horrible would be an understatement. Fatigue, headaches, obsessions, loss of focus and memories, culminated in a strange view of reality. The overriding enigma of it all…was the loss of self.

Art as therapy

Paul became obsessed with painting. This obsession gave him focus and led him away from many dire thoughts. A number of paintings produced over this time he has no recollection of painting. Paul’s focus on drawing and painting not only has been his method of problem-solving, but like any form of art became a personal journey of wellness, catharsis and therapy. Of course, Paul himself attests that his obsession with painting has its own set of problems.

Paul then approached The Incubator Creative Hub with the idea to exhibit. Director Simone Anderson saw the huge potential in his work. They both then discussed the possibility of connecting Paul’s exhibition with the Headway Brain Injury Association BOP.paul mcdonald

The paintings themselves reflect all the originality, skill and beauty of a seasoned artist, each with their own narrative and sophisticated palette. The themes vary, but have an underlying thread of a journey being travelled, and the documentation of intricate personality traits. He states, “The only thing I can be sure of is; the fact that I have seen no other paintings like the ones to be shown.”

Paul suffered all the ignominies of this affliction alone; however after reading the brochures published by Headway Brain Injury Association he began to see a path forward.

They’re just Paintings exhibition

The exhibition opens at 5.30 pm on Friday July 27, and runs until August 10. Paul has generously put up two of his works to be bid for at a silent auction over the three weeks of the exhibition runtime with proceeds to go to Headway. A percentage of any sales will also be donated to Headway.