Free Expo to Welcome Newcomers to Western Bay of Plenty

New to the Bay Expo

The “New to the Bay Expo 2019” is a free event to be held at Tauranga Boys College on Saturday, 28 September from 10am – 3pm.

The expo was created to support and inform locals and newcomers to the Western Bay of
Plenty about services and activities in the community that support settlement and to encourage community participation.

Welcoming Communities

The event is a ‘welcoming’ initiative as part of the Welcoming Communities pilot programme delivered by Tauranga City Council and Western Bay District Council in partnership with the local community. 

The expo will focus on showcasing products, services and information from a wide range of commercial, civic, regulatory, emergency, social, sporting and other community organisations active in Western Bay of Plenty.

Kim Saunders, Manager of Citizens Advice Bureau Tauranga and Papamoa encourages local organisations to get involved and invites locals and newcomers to come along.

“This event is all about people helping you to make a great life in the Bay, with lots of useful information, advice and organisations ready to offer their services.”

A Football Tournament to be won

The Ethkick Multicultural Football Tournament, led by Multicultural Tauranga, New Zealand Police, and Blue Rovers Football Club will also be run alongside the expo on Saturday, 28 September and will offer some extra excitement at the event.  

Ethkick aims to bring together diverse cultures through sport, and promotes social cohesion, understanding and community involvement for the many ethnic communities who live in Tauranga.

The 2018 tournament had a diverse line-up of teams representing a range of different cultures including Brazil, India, Nepal, Czech, Vietnam, China, Pacific Islands and Korea. 

Mixed teams are also able to participate. 

Register your stall for the Expo today

Ann Kerewaro, President of Multicultural Tauranga says, “Multicultural Tauranga is very pleased to be part of organising this expo as a useful way to promote information that many newcomers seek when they first arrive in the Western Bay of Plenty.”

Local community organisations are warmly encouraged to participate in the expo and showcase what they have to offer newcomers and locals alike in Western Bay of Plenty.

Organisations wanting to promote their services, and learn more about the expo can register by emailing: 

For more information visit:  

By Pieter de Zwart