Happy New Year and welcome to 2017

Todd Muller MP

The WHOMP has been refreshed, rejuvenated and rebranded in time for this edition, and so too has our Government. The substance of both remains the same.

The resignation of John Key was a total surprise, not only for the country but for our National Caucus too. A personal decision he made in private with his family. Yes, I am sad to see him go – but I’m pleased he’s leaving on his own terms and bowing out gracefully knowing he has given all he has to give.

I have no doubt that his intelligence, optimism and integrity as both Prime Minister and Leader of the National Party will see him judged kindly by history as one of New Zealand’s greatest leaders. He had an ability to speak to every day New Zealanders in the language of their lives and to forge a real connection with those  he  encountered. He is a larger than life personality – but the strength and stability of our government has never been built on personality. It has been built on delivering meaningful results for kiwis.

National has a new leadership team in Bill English and Paula Bennett, and while John Key will be a hard act to follow I have every confidence that this is the team to do it. Our country is in great shape. We have a strong, growing economy and our public finances are in good health thanks to the tough choices and decisions made by this government over the years.

There are more jobs, lower unemployment and higher incomes. That isn’t just a line from a campaign speech but a fact backed up by figures. Treasury’s latest forecasts predict  unemployment will drop to 4.3 per cent by 2020/21, with over 150,000 additional jobs  created and average wages increasing by $7,500 to $66,000 per annum. We are forecast to be $473 million in surplus this year rapidly increasing to $8.5 billion over the same period.

By Todd Muller

MP for the Bay of Plenty

I write for this magazine because it’s a privilege to be amongst the many local voices given such a well-read community platform.