Council seeks input on bylaw review


Roosters, bees, parking, cemeteries and speed limits will all be up for public discussion this month as Western Bay of Plenty District Council prepares to review some of its bylaws.

Council is inviting input from the public before any formal proposals for changes are made. Feedback closes on Friday, 14 December.

The bylaws to be reviewed are those governing traffic and parking, animals including urban dwelling bees and roosters (excluding dogs), public places, nuisances, cemeteries and speed limits on local roads (not state highways).

Key issues on which Council is asking for feedback are whether there should be any restrictions around the keeping of bees or roosters in urban areas, as well as any suggestions on parking restrictions or speed limit changes that Council should consider.

Speed limits on local rural roads are also under the scope and Council will be reviewing the speed limit bylaw early in 2019. This won’t include speed limits on any state highways, as these are determined by the New Zealand Transport Agency.

Council has powers to make a range of bylaws to manage nuisances, offensive behaviour and public safety in the community. There is a range of bylaws to regulate activities including dog control, freedom camping, alcohol bans, speed limits, parking, discharges to Council’s wastewater system and protection of the community’s water supply sources.

Compliance with bylaws is monitored by Council staff and/or the police (depending on the bylaw) and there are different penalties that apply for breaches – ranging from fines to court prosecution for serious breaches.

The traffic and parking bylaw specifies restrictions on where parking is permitted; timeframes for parking; angle parking and mobility parking. The bylaw also pertains to specific vehicles such as motorcycles, campervans, bus and taxi stands, loading zones and emergency vehicles, as well as lanes for uses such as boat mooring and ferry queuing.

To have your say on these bylaw changes please visit