Bronson the Cat’s Bad Leg Fracture Healed Purrrrfectly with HBOT!

cat kitten sitting on lino floor

Bronson lived across the road from the clinic and would be walked across the road in his carry cage by his wonderful owner. One day though he ventured into the road and was hit by a car. I examined him to find that he was remarkably bright but x-rays revealed a completely broken femur. This type of fracture can be difficult to heal and surgery is generally recommended.

Being an older fellow of fifteen, Bronson’s owners didn’t want him to go through orthopaedic surgery and since he seemed so settled despite his injury we treated him in our hyperbaric oxygen chamber (HBOT). This remarkable treatment provides the cells of the body with a fifteen-fold increase in the availability of oxygen. This helps to reduce inflammation, kill bugs and promote healing and it also stimulates bone healing. We are so lucky to have one of only two facilities available for animal care in New Zealand which helps so many animals with serious injuries and diseases.

After his treatments, Bronson never looked back. His leg healed perfectly without surgery but his devoted owner had to drive him across the road to us for follow-up visits as he was too scared to be walked across the road after his accident!