Boundary alteration between Western Bay and Tauranga underway


The Western Bay of Plenty District Council is preparing a proposal to alter the boundary between Tauranga City and Western Bay at Tauriko West.

Altering the boundary is part of an initiative between the Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Tauranga City Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the New Zealand Transport Agency to provide for urban development at Tauriko West.

Proposed urban growth

Part of the proposed urban growth area at Tauriko West is located within the Western Bay of Plenty District. Tauranga City Council is well placed to provide future servicing and administration of the area, which will complement development at The Lakes.

Feedback to establish the degree of landowner and community support for the proposal will be considered by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council prior to finalising a boundary change application and submitting it to the Local Government Commission in late 2018.

If the Local Government Commission agrees to consider the application it will publicly notify the application in early 2019 and further consult with a decision expected by mid-2019. The Commission, which is independent of the councils involved, has the final say on the boundary alteration.

Feedback on the proposal closes on Friday, 17 August 2018.