Books from our own backyard

Matthew Schwass
Tauranga writer Matthew Schwass has written and published his first book, "Thoughts, Twinks and Truths from Me to You".

Writers in the Bay. Plenty to be proud about.

He’s known as Mattie to family and friends, and is now officially author Matthew Schwass with publication of his first book, Thoughts, Twinks and Truths From Me to You.

This was a major challenge to write, because Matthew is severely autistic. He has relied always on his faith in God and the support of his loving parents, but for a project like this he needed some outside assistance. This came in the form of fellow-poet Shona-Ellen Barnett. From 2015, the two have worked closely together to perfect his text for  publication. The result is not ‘writing by an autistic man’; it’s creative and insightful literature in its own right.

Observation is the basis of all good writing, and keen observation the special talent of the poet. In that respect, Matthew has exceeded expectations, and produced something truly original and well worth reading.

  • Read the article on Matthew Schwass in December 2017 issue of Freelance here.
  • The full copy of Freelance December 2017 issue can be accessed here.