Anisha’s BaySwim Experience

Anisha at BaySwim

I first started lessons at BaySwim with Anisha when she was 10-months old.

At our first lesson the swim teacher made sure I knew what to do with Anisha and helped us get into the pool at the start of the lesson.

It was easy to tell which of the babies had started swimming earlier – they were so comfortable in the water, chilled out and these babies didn’t seem phased during the part of the lesson when their parents put them under water.

Anisha also enjoyed her swim lessons…until it came time to put her head under the water; this she did not like. I persisted and as time went by Anisha’s trust and confidence grew under the guidance of some exceptional baby teachers.

While each lesson had an element of fun activities and songs, as Anisha progressed through each level, it became obvious the lesson structure and activities were tailored to improve her capabilities in the water.

Due to a change in circumstances, we stopped lessons for a few terms. I tried to come to the pool for plays, but it just wasn’t the same. When we returned to lessons, once again I could see the progression in the toddlers who came regularly to the programme.

Not only were they confident but their ability to follow the teacher’s instructions seemed remarkable.

That was when I made a commitment to keep Anisha in swimming lessons all year round.

Like a Fish in Water

Anisha is going to be 4-years-old in April. Over the period of learn to swim lessons we have progressed from me having to be in the water with her (which to be fair I really enjoyed as it was an enjoyable bonding time for us both) to now doing lessons on her own with two other pre-schoolers.

She loves the water and looks forward every week to her lesson with her teacher, Joy. During her lesson she often spends more time under the water than on top of it, her confidence has soared!

The increase in confidence she has learnt from swimming has transferred into other activities, she tears around on a 2-wheel bicycle and is noticeably more self-assured than a lot of other pre-schoolers her age.

Learning to swim has been great for her development.

By Anisha’s Mum