Bay Waka, BizoBike e-Bike offer

a woman sitting on an e-bike in a warehouse in front of cardboard boxes along one wall

In our last edition (Issue 11) we wanted to extend to our readers an exclusive offer as good or better than that made by Tauranga City Council for their staff to purchase e-bikes through a Council arranged bulk deal.

This resulted in us reaching an agreement with BizoBike New Zealand to offer BizoBikes from Europe’s largest seller of folding e-bikes to our readers. We have had 80 registrations of interest from residents, and when this agreement is finalised, will give our readers a one-off unique opportunity to purchase a top-quality e-bike with only ‘name brand’ components and features like ‘mid-motors’ and ‘hydraulic brakes’ at prices we don’t think can be matched anywhere.

In the meantime, we sent local cycling enthusiast Sue McArthur to the Bizobike factory in China to see what all the fuss is all about and she sent photos back just in time for printing here today. hits the ground running Bay Waka, BizoBike e-Bike offer.

To those readers who have registered already, their interest, we are keeping in touch via email and you will be the first to know when the bikes are arriving.