‘Ardern Confiscations’ Set to Hurt Tauranga

Paora Stanley

Over the next few months I will write articles that are designed to give people of Tauranga background information about the collusion at the core of the highly questionable treaty deal with a group of very small iwi from Hauraki known as the Hauraki Collective.

In order for such a deal to get through Parliament and Local Government practice, it requires the direct and indirect support of those who plead neutrality, ignorance and/or arrogance.

The intrigue in this mis-settlement is the way various government departments, local bodies, and private businesses combine to try to disenfranchise local iwi in order to support a corrupt theory of governing in New Zealand. This first article (page 16) addresses the problems that are about to impact Tauranga people due to the collusion between local Councils and key influencers that are wanting to bring the Hauraki tribes into Tauranga.

Later pieces will look at the collusion that exists between key people in the Office of Treaty Settlements who have been pushing unusually hard to get this wayward deal across the line and key people in the Hauraki Collective.

Also, I intend to pose questions about the involvement of private businesses (often property developers) who act as financial mercenaries claiming that it’s “just business”. We will also ask questions about how ex-Office of Treaty Settlement kūpapa people continued to connive in order to fulfil their mis-guided theory.

Then we will look at the role of elected decision-makers and question why the Government would be so intent on using a process meant to address historical transgressions of the Treaty of Waitangi to instead create new grievances that will be forever linked to Jacinda Ardern and known as the ‘Ardern Confiscations’.

Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi is one of six iwi granted urgency to put their case forward to the Waitangi Tribunal in April 2019.

By Paora Stanley, CEO Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi, Tauranga Moana – “I write for Bay Waka because the world is full of ephemeral knowledge and this is a challenge to that.”