If everyone did their bit

Everyone doing their bit

I read a lot of reports on what is happening nationally and across the Bay of Plenty. There is no shortage of matters of concern.

Many issues relate to the impact of man on the environment – like climate change, water quality, air quality, loss of biodiversity, biosecurity, growth management and traffic congestion to name a few. Unsurprisingly, I hear people muttering about the need to invest more to solve the problems we see on a daily basis or read about in the media.

I am just as guilty as the next person of sitting in a row of traffic wishing someone would just fix the road to get rid of a traffic pinchpoint.

Or getting cross when I see someone has dumped their rubbish on the side of a rural road.

Or being concerned when I read about plastic in the oceans.

However, in many instances, we humans are the contributors of the problem in the first place. If everyone did their bit to reduce the activities that have led to the problem, imagine how much easier fixing up the resulting problem would be.

The conundrum is, often we are unwilling to change what we do because we prioritise our convenience above everything else. Or our habits are such that until we are forced to change, we keep on doing things the same old way. However, it is our world and our way of life that is at stake. So, just as the government is calling for New Zealanders to be an army of 4.7 million people to protect our biosecurity – lets everyone do their bit, and change our habits and activities to be kinder on our earth.

By Jane Nees, Deputy Chair, BOP Regional Council

“I write for Bay Waka because it’s a growing source of local news and views.”