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Identify a Smart Team to Govern Tauranga 2019-2022

Tauranga City Council

I am sure the rapid growth of our city and its surroundings have not gone unnoticed by any one of us.

Our Council is now a very large organisation – like any corporation it is a significant employer and an organisation that shapes our regional economy.

This city now more than ever before, demands a Council comprising a strong diverse team of individuals, dedicated to improving the whole of the City, not just its centre. For me the answer lies with us – the constituents – we are the ones who vote the Councillors in. 

A planned city

If we wish for a team of smart individuals who will build a culture based on honesty and openness, where old practices give way to the new, where fresh thinking is the norm and where the city is planned; as opposed to evolved, we need to do our homework now so that we can vote knowledgeably later this year.

Yes, we face a problem because we only vote for two in our ‘Electorates’ and ‘At Large’.

But given that, here is my checklist:

Shoulder-tapping our next city leaders

It’s time right now for us all to ‘headhunt’ the right candidates – those who we know are able to make a difference and to shape our city strategically.

The key lies in electing a team of diverse thinkers: strong, experienced, articulate and business-minded individuals, who will bring and yet diverse skillsets and competencies to the decision-making table. 

By Bev Edlin – “I write for this magazine because I care for this city, and through this magazine’s ability to reach other like-minded people, we can open issues up for debate and through this process, make a real difference for our communities and their future.”

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